Housing The Future 2.0

A Disruptive Futures Dialogue

Date and Time
Tuesday, September 10, 2019
5:00 pm - 7:30 pm
Tumbleroot Brewery
Array Chair of the Department of Architecture at UNM & Founder of ecoMOD
Array Associate Director of Rural Studio
Array Co-founder & CEO of InOurHands
Array Design Director at [bc]WORKSHOP

Creative Santa Fe’s Disruptive Futures Dialogues series generates visionary new approaches to critical issues to drive positive change. Housing the Future 2.0 addressed Santa Fe’s housing needs by leveraging the art of storytelling and by highlighting real-time innovative solutions to address, and begin to solve, Santa Fe’s affordable housing crisis.

Santa Fe is currently at a 99% rental capacity and lack of affordable housing is one of the most significant obstacles for current residents and economic growth. The city urgently needs as may as 5,000 new rental units and currently builds between 65-100 units per year. We clearly need creative new approaches to tackle this seemingly intractable challenge.

This event consisted of four inspiring chapters:

1. Former SFAI Story Maps resident artists Mya Green and Yvette Serrano released limited edition affordable housing zines to attendees. These zines were thoughtfully designed to share stories and information around local housing issues. Email us at info@creativesantafe.org to get a free copy of the zine mailed to you!

2. Seven local artist’s performed their responses to select housing stories to illustrate the realities of the Santa Fe housing crisis. Performers included punk rock musician Jessie Deluxe who sang the song Where Do We Go, poet Darryl Lorenzo Wellington who read the poem Contemplating Homelessness, and screenwriters Sam Dabbs and J. Weston Phippen who wrote the play Renter Stories.

3. Following the performances, multiple local and national affordable housing organizations presented their innovative and effective approaches to design, material, and community engagement to create positive and impactful change. Presenters included:

4. The event wrapped-up with action meetings led by experts in the field to explore housing topics in detail. Breakout sessions included:

This dialogue is a continuation of Creative Santa Fe’s 2018 Housing the Future event and is in conjunction with the Siler Yard Arts + Creativity Center affordable housing project.

• Click here to read the ‘Housing the Future 2.0’ Program Overview, including takeaways and next steps!
• Click here to view the Renter Activity shared at this event.
We suggest printing a copy. 


This project is supported in part by New Mexico Arts, a division of the Department of Cultural Affairs, and the National Endowment for the Arts.


"I thought the event was just wonderful! I left feeling so hopeful, hearing from so many engaged and intelligent people working on all these solutions! It's easy to feel that no progress is being made and that these problems are intractable, at times, but tonight I'm feeling sure we will get there. Thanks to Creative Santa Fe and all the staff that made it happen!"
-Amy Shea
"I was really excited about the event and am so grateful for all of your amazing work to bring it all together. I hope this is the beginning of more like this! The creative components were a powerful way to engage with the subject."
-Hayley Hathaway
"I found it to be a really innovative event with experts in the field who gave attendees more information about the housing crisis, and possible ways to address it. Much more exciting and engaging than similar events - thank you!"
-Erin de Rosa
"I thought the event was well organized and presented in an interesting format that felt inclusive to the audience, especially with the small group discussions after the event. "
-Pamela Way