“Growing Santa Fe Young”

Panel Discussion with George RR Martin, Mayor Javier Gonzalez, etc.

Date and Time
Tuesday, July 29, 2014
6:00 pm
Santa Fe, New Mexico
Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA
Array Mayor of Santa Fe, New Mexico
Array Author of 'Game of Thrones'
Array Writer, Director

On July 29th, 2014 Santa Fe Forward and Creative Santa Fe hosted a community conversation about attracting and retaining the next generation of Santa Feans.

Game of Thrones creator George RR Martin welcomed Mayor Javier Gonzales to the Jean Cocteau Cinema to discuss: jobs, nightlife, affordable housing and workspace, pop-ups, education, technology, and quality of life.
Panelists: Chris Eyre (SFUAD Film Dept.), web and new media expert Zane Fischer (Anagram), Shannon Murphy (After Hours Alliance), & affordable housing expert Daniel Werwath

Growing Santa Fe Young Video