Jason Schupbach, Director of Design Programs and Visual Arts Division Team Leader for the National Endowment for the Arts (NEA), will visit Santa Fe for a free public lecture.
Schupbach will discuss how Creative Santa Fe’s recently awarded $150,000 NEA matching Our Town grant can further Santa Fe’s economic and community development, including examples of the catalytic impact that similar projects have across the U.S. This event will include a Q&A session with the audience.
In the NEA’s definition, Creative Placemaking happens when “partners from public, private, non-profit, and community sectors strategically shape the physical and social character of a neighborhood, town, city, or region around arts and cultural activities.” Cyndi Conn, executive director of Creative Santa Fe, said, “Jason’s vast knowledge of the work of cities across the country is inspirational and offers a depth of creative placemaking ideas and practices that I can’t wait to share with our community. We are very excited to be working with New Mexico Inter-Faith Housing and the City of Santa Fe to develop the Arts + Creativity Center, which will be comprised of 60 affordable and 10 market-rate live/work rental units and shared resource space for artists and other creative professionals.”
Schupbach’s lecture will address specific local issues such as: Cutting edge changes driven by the arts that are supporting more livability in American cities and towns across the country and how community projects similar to the Santa Fe Arts + Creativity Center are supporting the work of creative professionals and expanding the creative economy.
Schupbach became director of Design at the NEA in May 2010. In this position, he manages the NEA’s grantmaking for design and the NEA’s design initiatives, such as the Mayors’ Institute on City Design as well Our Town, which provides funding in recognition of the role that the arts can play in economic revitalization and in creating livable, sustainable communities.
For videos of Schupbach speaking on the Creative Economy, go here. To listen to a webinar panel regarding Creative Placemaking in Rural Communities, hosted by Schupbach, go here. To learn more about the National Endowment for the Arts, watch this video.
This lecture is generously sponsored by Eileen Wells and Adobe Rose