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Creative Santa Fe, in partnership with the Solutions Journalism Network and Searchlight New Mexico, hosted The Rebirth of Local News, a public dialogue exploring the state of local news media.

What does slam poetry have to do with journalism?  From slam poetry, to muralism, to music and film, we know that art is a powerful medium of social documentation that illuminates new and disruptive ways to communicate today’s news.  This dialogue considered how artists often serve the role of community reporters–recording and commenting on important local issues. Inaugural Poet Laureate of Albuquerque and national and regional Slam Poet Champion Hakim Bellamy opened with an incredible poetry performance, followed by a moderated discussion bringing together journalists, media makers, and artists to explore opportunities for collaboration and community engagement in defining the future of news media in New Mexico.

Dramatic shifts in journalism’s traditional business model have challenged journalists to rethink the way they cover critical issues, and how they stay relevant to today’s audiences–while still maintaining integrity and ethics.  Featured speakers Mallory Falk, Antonia Gonzales, Rebecca Moss, Roberta Rael, and Ed Williams demonstrated how their news organizations engage with local audiences to create trust and provide news that people can use to effect change in their communities.  World Cafe conversations led by noted artists and journalists provided an opportunity for audience members to tackle these questions: How do journalists respond to a changing media industry? What can journalists learn from artists in how they conceptualize, gather and disseminate the news?

CLICK HERE to watch the full recording of the event! 


Thanks to Creative Santa Fe’s relationships with people from all corners of the Santa Fe art community, their staff’s total professionalism, and the organization’s ability to dream big without losing attention to detail, the public dialogue we co-hosted with them was a resounding success. From the difficult thought-work we put in while constructing the event, to running the show on-site, to meticulously collecting feedback and continuing the conversation after the event was over, Creative Santa Fe lead with collaboration, creativity and clarity. We’re lucky to have an organization like them in New Mexico.

-Leah Todd, New England Manager for the Solutions Journalism Network

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"Thanks to Creative Santa Fe's relationships with people from all corners of the Santa Fe art community, their staff's total professionalism, and the organization's ability to dream big without losing attention to detail, the public dialogue we co-hosted with them was a resounding success. From the difficult thought-work we put in while constructing the event, to running the show on-site, to meticulously collecting feedback and continuing the conversation after the event was over, Creative Santa Fe lead with collaboration, creativity and clarity. We're lucky to have an organization like them in New Mexico." "
-Leah Todd, Solutions Journalism Network
"[The event] made me realize that there are remarkable arenas of possibility that exist between the traditional disciplines of art and journalism, that there are locally engaged people who are looking at positive ways of engaging communities and news in a way that changes the dialogue and those in power to tell the key news stories of Santa Fe and NM.
-Chris Jonas, Executive Director of Littleglobe