Building Community Through Literacy
The Future of Public Library in the 21st Century
Creative Santa Fe embarked on a shared initiative with the Santa Fe Public Library to raise the visibility of its rich and varied community resources, and to strengthen its well-deserved reputation as a center for community enrichment.
So much more than quiet vaults or archives for media, today’s libraries are among the last civic spaces that truly serve everyone — homeless teens, homeschoolers, seniors, job-seekers, teachers, artists, entrepreneurs, tourists, and many more. In Santa Fe, a little under half of the county’s 150,000 residents currently hold library cards.
But even library patrons are unaware of the depth and breadth of resources the library offers: an entrepreneur rents a downtown space for an important conference, unaware that they can freely reserve an expansive library meeting room through the website. A traveler purchases a pricey Spanish course, unaware that the library offers online and app-based language learning systems for more than 70 languages. A senior goes to a big box store to buy a computer, unaware that the library rents out laptops and Wi-Fi hotspots, and that librarians teach one-on-one technology tutoring sessions.
Through its growing digital and in-person offerings, the Santa Fe Library is keeping pace with the 21st century, as it empowers members of our community to thrive throughout their lives. CrSF is increasing public engagement with these offerings by supporting communications campaigns to raise awareness.
In 2022, CrSF co-sponsored a countywide 7-week reading festival – Santa Fe Reads – to foster community building through the joy of reading. We designed the festival’s promotional materials around the year’s theme of Indigenous cultural reclamation, in collaboration with more than 30 of the library’s community partners, from The Food Depot to the Georgia O’Keeffe Museum. We hope that this annual event will become a super-connector for Santa Fe citizens and the organizations that serve them – centered, of course, at the Santa Fe Public Library.
At a time when libraries around the nation face de-funding, censorship, and even threats of violence, our work could not be more important. We must bring the community together to support the institution that connects and enriches us all.
We are excited to renew the Santa Fe Reads engagement in 2024, featuring Circe by Madeline Miller. We celebrate an exciting new partnership between the Santa Fe Public Library and Santa Fe International Literary Festival, where 2024 Santa Fe Reads will culminate in a community-wide event at the Santa Fe Community Convention Center. This community event will kick off 2024 Santa Fe International Literary Festival.
CrSF’s Contribution
Santa Fe Public Library staff was having a hard time creating promotional material with the corrupted logo file they had on hand. Our first task is to simply provide an updated logo refresh with both horizontal and vertical orientation for various use.
To increase community engagement, CrSF provided newspaper advertisement insert design to launch the Summer Reading program in both English and Spanish.
2022 Santa Fe Reads explores the theme of Indigenous cultural reclamation through selected works and program activities. This 7-week long countywide reading festival, received support from over 30 organizations. CrSF provide design support from messaging to print and digital advertising design, including updating the Santa Fe Reads microsite.