Gay Dillingham

Advisor, Advisory Council

Gay Dillingham has consistently juggled her parallel passions for the environment, public policy and communication through film, business and public service all in an effort to deepen our human experience and success while on this marvelous planet. Over three decades, Gay’s award-winning films gave voice to critical issues, including The WIPP Trail, My Body Belongs to Me, Dying to Know: Ram Dass & Timothy Leary, and Crossings.

Gay also co-founded and managed two environmental companies, Earthstone International, LLC.  She chaired the New Mexico Environmental Improvement Board in charge of environmental management and consumer protection for the state. She was Executive Director for the Livingry Foundation. Gay is currently Chair of the Santa Fe Film & Digital Media Council and Vice President of Wild Earth Guardians Board of Directors.

She earned her BA in Social and Environmental Sciences and Communications from Evergreen State College.

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