A self-described ‘bikeaholic’ and a passionate transportation advocate, Robert has focused nearly his entire career on getting people more active, especially children and youth, and especially on bicycles. Robert has become well-known throughout the country for his work in developing Safe Routes to School programs and policies. He helps communities and advocates to improve the built environment and increase safety, social equity, and physical activity through bicycling and walking. Robert has provided on-site technical assistance and facilitation for pedestrian-and-bicycling initiatives in over 24 communities for the WALC Institute, and previously for dozens of other communities. Robert also has developed a series of 11 fact sheets with AARP, and has presented for the National Association of Realtors, the Pro Walk Pro Bike Pro Place national conference in Pittsburgh, PA, the Oregon Safe Routes to School annual conference and the New Partners for Smart Growth Tour in Denver, CO, among many, many others. Robert also has more than two decades of experience managing non-profit organizations and programs, with experience in Complete Streets, Smart Growth, Social Equity, policy change at the state, regional, and local levels, program development, technical assistance, public speaking and community organizing. From 2003 through 2013, Robert focused on Safe Routes to School, becoming a national leading expert in this growing movement to get kids active and improve the built environment. Robert was a Safe Routes to School National Partnership staff expert, was appointed by Congress to the federal Safe Routes to School Task Force and has provided technical assistance to states, regions and cities throughout the U.S. Robert managed the Bicycle Transportation Alliance’s bicycle education program reaching hundreds of youth classes and nearly 40,000 students around Oregon, and was the founding manager of Portland, Oregon’s successful citywide Safe Routes to School program. Robert’s experience also includes community organizing and serving on many national, state and local advisory committees. He founded the national Active Transportation Diversity Task Force and spearheaded the RWJF-funded “Making Public Schools Diverse and Walkable” framing paper with PolicyLink and ChangeLab Solutions.